Hooking up with Git Managing git hooks with nix

Yannik Sander

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Git hooks can be useful, tracking and managing them with Nix makes removes the barrier of using them.

Git hooks

Git hooks are very useful in theory e.g. to enforce style guidelines of code being pushed or doing arbitrary cleanup/analysis in response to various git events. Yet, if you are using nix, the way git hooks are set up and managed goes against the ideas of Nix.

The presented approach does not solve the underlying issue of mutability but makes git-hooks more trackable and easily appliable.



An up-to-date version of the presented approach can be found on GitHub.

Please file issues or PRs if you like the project and want to contribute.

The big picture

Let me present a full-fledged example first, the functions are individually posted down in the appendix.

    installGitHooks = hookTypes:
        let mkHook = type: hooks: {
        hook = pkgs.writeShellScript type
            for hook in ${pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "${type}-git-hooks"; paths = hooks; }}/bin/*; do
            if [ $RESULT != 0 ]; then
                echo "$hook returned non-zero: $RESULT, abort operation"
            exit $RESULT
            echo "$INSTALLED_GIT_HOOKS $type"
            exit 0
        inherit type;

        installHookScript = { type, hook }: ''
            if [[ -e .git/hooks/${type} ]]; then
                echo "Warn: ${type} hook already present, skipping"
                ln -s ${hook} $PWD/.git/hooks/${type}

        pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "install-git-hooks" 
            if [[ ! -d .git ]] || [[ ! -f flake.nix ]]; then
                echo "Invocate \`nix develop\` from the project root directory."
                exit 1

            if [[ -e .git/hooks/nix-installed-hooks ]]; then
                echo "Hooks already installed, reinstalling"

            mkdir -p ./.git/hooks
            ${pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (pkgs.lib.mapAttrsToList (type: hooks: installHookScript (mkHook type hooks)) hookTypes )}

            echo "Installed git hooks: $INSTALLED_GIT_HOOKS"
            printf "%s\n" "''${INSTALLED_GIT_HOOKS[@]}" > .git/hooks/nix-installed-hooks

    uninstallGitHooks = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "uninstall-git-hooks" 
            if [[ ! -e "$PWD/.git/hooks/nix-installed-hooks" ]]; then
            echo "Error: could find list of installed hooks."
            exit 1

            while read -r hook
            echo "Uninstalling $hook"
            rm "$PWD/.git/hooks/$hook"
            done < "$PWD/.git/hooks/nix-installed-hooks"

            rm "$PWD/.git/hooks/nix-installed-hooks"
    rustFormatHook = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "check-rust-format-hook"
            ${pkgs.rustfmt}/bin/rustfmt --check
            [ $RESULT != 0 ] && echo "Please run \`cargo fmt\` before"
            exit $RESULT

    hookInstaller =  installGitHooks { pre-commit = [rustFormatHook]; } 
    pkgs.mkShell {
        packages = [ (installGitHooks { pre-commit = [rustFormatHook];) } uninstallGitHooks ];
        inputsFrom = [ ];

        shellHook = ''
            echo "=== Development shell ==="
            echo "Info: Git hooks can be installed using \`install-git-hooks\`"
            # or run `install-git-hooks` automatically


The above code defines functions to build installation and uninstallation commands for git hooks.

To run a hook, create a derivation with the hook (or hooks) for one event located in the bin/ folder, i.e. using. writeShellScriptBin :

rustFormatHook = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "check-rust-format-hook" ''
    ${pkgs.rustfmt}/bin/rustfmt --check

Then create a hookInstaller by adding the derivation to a list of hooks for a specific event type:

hookInstaller =  installGitHooks { pre-commit = [rustFormatHook]; } 

This will run all commands under ${rustFormatHook}/bin/* for pre-commit events.

The event types can be arbitrary but have to comply with actual git hooks to be run.

Finally, add the installer (and optionally the uninstall-command) to your dev shell as input programs. You can choose to automatically run the installer at entrance to the shell as a shellHook or manually by the user.

pkgs.mkShell {
    packages = [ hookInstaller uninstallGitHooks ];
    inputsFrom = [ ];

    shellHook = ''
        echo "=== Development shell ==="
        echo "Info: Git hooks can be installed using \`install-git-hooks\`"
        # or run `install-git-hooks` automatically


I am aware that there is much more advanced tools available with more advanced configuration systems etc. Yet, this approach is nix-native and sufficiently flexible for simple hook setups. It does still require you to write all hooks yourself but this way they can be tracked with nix and in theory make use of programs not even populated to the final environment.

Nonetheless, this might be of interest for someone and if so thanks for reading.


Copy the respective functions here to include them into your project or checkout the repository on GitHub avoid copy-pasting and receive upstream bugfixes. ## Installer

installGitHooks = hookTypes:
    let mkHook = type: hooks: {
    hook = pkgs.writeShellScript type
        for hook in ${pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "${type}-git-hooks"; paths = hooks; }}/bin/*; do
        if [ $RESULT != 0 ]; then
            echo "$hook returned non-zero: $RESULT, abort operation"
        exit $RESULT
        echo "$INSTALLED_GIT_HOOKS $type"
        exit 0
    inherit type;

    installHookScript = { type, hook }: ''
        if [[ -e .git/hooks/${type} ]]; then
            echo "Warn: ${type} hook already present, skipping"
            ln -s ${hook} $PWD/.git/hooks/${type}

    pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "install-git-hooks" 
        if [[ ! -d .git ]] || [[ ! -f flake.nix ]]; then
            echo "Invocate \`nix develop\` from the project root directory."
            exit 1

        if [[ -e .git/hooks/nix-installed-hooks ]]; then
            echo "Hooks already installed, reinstalling"

        mkdir -p ./.git/hooks
        ${pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (pkgs.lib.mapAttrsToList (type: hooks: installHookScript (mkHook type hooks)) hookTypes )}

        echo "Installed git hooks: $INSTALLED_GIT_HOOKS"
        printf "%s\n" "''${INSTALLED_GIT_HOOKS[@]}" > .git/hooks/nix-installed-hooks


uninstallGitHooks = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "uninstall-git-hooks" 
        if [[ ! -e "$PWD/.git/hooks/nix-installed-hooks" ]]; then
        echo "Error: could find list of installed hooks."
        exit 1

        while read -r hook
        echo "Uninstalling $hook"
        rm "$PWD/.git/hooks/$hook"
        done < "$PWD/.git/hooks/nix-installed-hooks"

        rm "$PWD/.git/hooks/nix-installed-hooks"